CRA_LOGO_FINALSince our new rehabilitation center Canine Rehabilitation Associates opened, we have had the tremendous pleasure of seeing amazing pets overcome huge obstacles thanks to our loving and dedicated staff and pet owners.  Our medical director and certified Canine Rehab Therapist Dr. Michael Bassett shares one of our most inspiring stories to date as he introduces you to a special little girl who has stolen our hearts and made some amazing progress.

Gordy the Great

By Dr. Michael Bassett

We all know that we have a special pet.

We have met some very special pets that are triumphing over their special challenges through our state-of-the-art rehab facility here at Pet Dominion. Gordy is one of those stars that have come through so far. She is a 1-year old French Bulldog with a winning personality.

Gordy came to us in April for her initial evaluation after having back surgery in February. She had not made any progress from paraplegia (an impairment of the function in the lower extremities). She could not stand and support her weight, and the prospects for her being able to walk did not look good. She was dragging her hind end.

Justin, one of our certified Canine Rehab Therapists, began to work with her using massage, e-stim, therapeutic laser, and therapeutic exercises including the land treadmill and physiobals. Initially, she showed only a tiny amount of muscle tone in the hind limbs, but with coaching and encouragement (including a lot of treats and praise), she began to show progress. She has gotten to the point of being able to walk over the caviletti poles.  The proof is in this incredible video courtesy of Justin:


We are thrilled to be making a difference in her and her owners’ lives. Her determination to remaster walking has been a joy for us on the rehab team here at Pet Dominion.

To learn more about our rehab services, visit Canine Rehabilitation Associates or give us a call at 301-258-0333.