By Chase Fielding, Pet Dominion Staff Member

110Most of us are familiar with the scene: the doctor waves a device over an injury, the device emits some flashing lights, and moments later the patient is healed. What you may not realize however, is that for many pets this scene isn’t only something from the movies or TV, but something they’ve experienced with their veterinarian. The procedure is called laser therapy, and it’s used to speed healing and bring relief to your pet while treating a variety of conditions and symptoms. While not quite as miraculous as science fiction, recovery time and pain can be drastically reduced.

When the body is injured, damaged cells slow down and impede the healing process. Laser therapy works by stimulating the energy generating areas, the mitochondria, of these cells. This allows the injured cells to heal faster. As a result, with laser therapy your pet can recover from damage to bones, ligaments, muscles and skin more quickly than they would otherwise. Laser therapy also reduces inflammation, which in turn reduces pain, improves range of motion, and speeds the healing process.

Laser therapy isn’t just useful for your pet during a traumatic injury or recovery from a medical procedure; it is also an excellent way to improve quality of life for pets suffering from age related joint issues, such as osteoarthritis. Arthritic conditions cause swelling in the joints, impeding your pet’s mobility and making some of the fun things they used to love into difficult, painful, and sometimes impossible challenges. Curling up on your lap and purring may have been one of your cat’s favorite ways to unwind, chasing a disc or ball around the park may have been your dog’s personal version of paradise, but now the motion required leaves them hesitant or completely uninterested in what used to be a common joy. Regular therapeutic laser treatment can give them, and you, those activities back.

Call Pet Dominion (301)-258-0333 and ask us about our therapeutic laser treatment. The treatment is quick, noninvasive, and painless. If your pet has been injured, needs to undergo a surgical procedure, or is just experiencing the difficulties that frequently accompany old age, this procedure may benefit them.