By Dr. Karen Burks

black_brown_and_white_dog-558x600It’s Summer, and you know what that means! It’s that extra special season where your family gathers round the barbecue, when your pets play tug-o-war in the yard, and when you have animated conversations like, “Really? You think he’s a Spaniel/Dalmatian? I think he looks more like a Chihuahua/Greyhound!”

What am I talking about? Why, it’s National Mutt Day, of course!  National Mutt Day is celebrated every July and was created in 2005 to raise awareness for mutts that are sitting in wait in shelters around the country. The website encourages you to submit pictures of your favorite mutt to their Facebook page for prizes, buy some cool mutt merchandise, donate to your local rescue, and, of course, ADOPT A MUTT!

Mixed-breed dogs provide all the emotional benefits of purebred dogs, and in some cases can be healthier than their purebred counterparts because there is less chance for line-breeding and inbreeding.

Plus, you get to stump friends and family with a fun guessing game of your pet’s lineage. For those who absolutely need to know, genetic tests are available (such as Wisdom panel at ).

I had genetic tests done on my two terrier mixes, and was surprised by the results!

So gather around, hug your mutts tight, and don’t forget to play a game of “Is he a beagle or a borzoi?” And if you don’t have a mutt to call your very own, go out and adopt one today!!

Please share your experiences with adopting a mutt, guessing his breed, and/or performing a genetic test in the comment section below!